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Writer's picture三重県剪定伐採お庭のお手入れ専門店 剪定屋空

Enoki tree pruning in a temple forest in Kameyama City, Mie Prefecture, Japan

Fukusenji Temple in Kameyama City, Mie Prefecture, consulted with us to clear the graves while keeping the trees alive at least on the tops of the graves, since the branches of the Enoki trees had grown so large that they covered the graves and caused large amounts of fallen leaves to fall during the defoliation season.

三重県 亀山市 エノキの枝打ち-三重県剪定伐採お庭のお手入れ専門店 剪定屋空

The elm forest in this temple forest becomes a zelkova-enoki community, a type of forest found in Japan. This forest community is characterized by the presence of two dominant tree species, zelkova and enoki, and the formation of a tall tree layer serves to maintain the delicate balance of the forest.


These forests are scattered on the town's micro-elevation plateaus and hillside terrains, often near the various rivers that flow through the town, and are generally located on slightly humid but well-drained land with sandy and gravelly soils.

The forests have sandy and gravelly soils.

The forest is composed of tall, upright trees, such as zelkova, enoki, and mukunoki, that can reach 13 to 18 meters in height. The second layer is dominated by madake, a type of bamboo that grows to 8 to 12 meters in height. (Moso and madake bamboo at this location)

三重県亀山市 鎮守の森整備-剪定屋空-

The third layer consists of yabu-nikkei, yabutsu camellia, shirodamo, kakuremino, kurogane-mochi, and aoki, which grow in a sparse forest of madake.

The trunks of the trees in this forest are often overgrown with ivy called kizuta, and the forest floor is covered with herbaceous species such as yaburan, yabushimeji, kikkouzou, and yabu carrot, as well as shade- and moisture-resistant species such as yabukouji and teikakazura. Together, these elements form a forest of tall elm trees.

Temple forests, also called sacred groves or temple sanctuaries, are a type of forest ecosystem that has been traditionally protected. These forests are often associated with temples and other places of worship and are considered sacred and inviolable by the local people.

One of the main characteristics of temple forests is the presence of ancient trees that are hundreds of years old. These trees provide important habitat for a variety of wildlife, including birds, insects, and small mammals. They also play an important role in maintaining the health of the forest ecosystem by providing shade, regulating soil moisture, and storing carbon.

Despite their ecological and cultural importance, temple forests are threatened by a variety of factors, including deforestation, urbanization, and climate change. Therefore, efforts to conserve and protect these forests are important to maintain their ecological and cultural values.

三重県剪定伐採お庭のお手入れ専門店 剪定屋空

Temple forests are an important component of the local landscape, and we hope to continue to be involved in the maintenance of these precious township forests, which play an important role in the ecosystem of this area.


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