Mie Prefecture Pruning Logging Garden Care Specialty Store Pruning Shop Sky
Today in the garden of Mie Prefecture
It is a pruning shop sky in Komono Town, Mie Prefecture. We will solve your problems related to trees such as pruning and logging of garden trees around Yokkaichi City, Suzuka City, Kuwana City, Kameyama City, and Tsu City with proposals that suit you and the garden trees.
May greetings Satsuki
In May, the sunshine gradually gained momentum, and this year as well, I am strengthening myself while fertilizing the garden trees to overcome the intense heat.
We will make preparations before the arrival of full-scale summer and will visit the garden in Mie Prefecture in May with safety first.

2025.1.29 |営業日および電話受付体制の変更について
2025.1.13 |地球の仕事大学 農林複業学部 有機土木®︎コースの講座を受講しました
2025.1.10 |自然と調和した新しい働き方への挑戦 ~三重県「熱本気宣言」への参加~
2024.10.25 |人工巣洞で実現する生物多様性を豊かにする庭園管理の実践
2024.9.22. |NACS-J自然観察指導員講習会に参加しました。
We accept pruning of garden trees from regular maintenance of the entire garden. Depending on the content of your request, we may not be able to accept requests such as pruning from a single garden tree or simple maintenance.
Thankfully, we receive a lot of inquiries every year, and it is difficult to accept all cases. Humbly thank you for your understanding.
Business content
(Click the illustration to see the details)
2021 acceptance end

2021 acceptance end
2021 acceptance end
About regular management of the garden

Regular garden management is a method of managing a garden that we visit regularly with the aim of creating a safe and attractive garden while maintaining the health and scenery of the trees in the garden.
A beautiful and pleasant garden will calm your mind. Daily garden management is important in order to feel the changes of the four seasons and to touch the garden while listening to the chirping of birds.
Care for garden trees = Many people think that it is only the work of cutting branches such as pruning trees and cutting hedges, but the plants that have just been planted are the same as babies, and milk (fertilization) at the appropriate time. You need to be lovingly cared for, such as giving a baby or laying it in a good bed so that you can grow up healthy. In addition, if there is a pond in the garden, cleaning and inspection of the pond, cleaning and inspection of landscaping decorations such as lanterns, cleaning of fallen leaves accumulated in the trough, branches and leaves that have entered the site of the neighbors, etc. Various construction techniques are required for garden care such as cleaning and weed control.
There are many things that cannot be solved by learning only about plants. For example, trees are closely related to fungi called mycorrhizal fungi, and fungi and microorganisms die in the soil affected by herbicides. Therefore, just because the garden trees have weakened, fertilizer does not make them healthy at all, and it is necessary to improve the soil and promote the increase of fungi. We will take a step forward from trees and plants to microorganisms and soil environment, and take care of them with the feeling of sincerely facing them with knowledge and experience that can be considered from various perspectives.

In addition to the construction method that suits each garden, it is important to manage the garden trees that suit the lifestyle of the person who owns the garden.
For example, if you can take care of your garden once every two weeks, you can keep the garden beautiful and beautiful by just pulling out weeds frequently.
However, even with annual professional care, the garden that has been left unattended for the next year will never improve, and the garden will gradually become overgrown with branches and leaves and become full of weeds. I don't like to see.
I have also proposed regular management to those who have consulted with me because I can't help myself.
We don't think we have a hassle-free garden, and we would like to help you create a garden where you can enjoy touching the garden every day.
We are also studying every day and looking for ways to face the garden. There are still some places that haven't been reached yet, but I will continue to touch the garden with all my heart.

Garden Tree Pruning-Enjoying managing garden trees

The important point when asking a specialist for pruning is to request it before the tree grows too large.
A beautiful tree shape can be maintained by pruning according to the size of the garden and the environment and continuing maintenance every year.
There are some tree species that grow larger than the size of the garden and grow larger in the next year from the branches that have been cut back at once, so if you want to lower the tree height, little by little every year. It is also important to prun the tree according to the nature of the tree and improve the appearance immediately after pruning, such as cutting back the branches and gradually lowering the tree height.


I think the most important thing is to make the garden easy to manage throughout the year. At Pruning Shop Sora, we handle garden management for private residences, green space management for hospitals and commercial facilities, and garden maintenance for shrines and temples.
There is also an appropriate time for pruning trees for each tree species, and it is important to prun at that time. With that in mind, we try to make proposals that suit the lifestyle of our customers.

Work tips and daily tips
Here are some work examples. For reference of requests and consultations
Here are some work examples. For reference of requests and consultations
Logging-just before you get out of hand

The number of consultations about garden trees and logging is increasing year by year, and various consultations such as the garden that we have managed until now can no longer be maintained, the trees become too large and become unmanageable, etc. Will be charged.
At Pruning Shop Sora, we will have a good meeting with the customer before logging. We will listen to the customer's intentions and propose the best method from the customer's point of view in detail as to how to maintain and manage the garden.

We have solved the problems of many customers and have a track record of construction, so we would appreciate it if you could take a look.
Before the work, we would like to express our gratitude to the trees, sprinkle miki and cleansing salt, and join hands to cleanse them.
We will pay homage to the trees that have protected the land for many years and have watched over it, and will start work.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any problems with trees from garden trees to tall trees in the garden of your private residence.

Please feel free to contact the pruner Sora for logging of trees and garden trees, special logging, etc.
Bamboo grove maintenance-Easy to manage the damaged bamboo bush

The Japanese have been deeply involved with bamboo for a long time, and there are many materials and products that use bamboo. Bamboo grows very quickly, and there is a record that Moso bamboo grew 100 cm a day.
There are also many types of bamboo, and it is said that there are 500 to 600 types of bamboo in Japan.
It is rooted in Japan with a very strong vitality.

Recently, there have been many requests for the maintenance of abandoned bamboo grove and bamboo bush that have been damaged by bamboo grove, and the felling and maintenance of bamboo that has invaded the forest.
Bamboo forest maintenance also has stages, and there are various construction methods depending on the type of bamboo tree and the situation.
Bamboo is cut to a height of 1 m in winter, and the water remaining in the rhizome is sucked up to kill the rhizome, or the bamboo is crushed using a wood chipper, etc. There are various ways to do it. We will consider various proposals depending on what you want to do with the bamboo grove in the future.
In the future, I think it will be important to utilize the bamboo that we have cut down. We can find new value in mountains and bamboo grove, and we hope that many people will be interested in it.

If you have any problems with bamboo grove or bamboo bush in Mie prefecture, please feel free to contact us.
Forest maintenance commissioned forests into sustainable and valuable mountains
Target forest types (forest space design) are determined using surveys of inhabiting organisms and forest evaluation, etc. for forests managed by forest maintenance in Mie Prefecture. We will propose the creation of a rich and diverse forest that will lead to the next generation.

Business content
Forest maintenance Forest maintenance Afforestation Cultivation Ground preparation Planting Undergrowth mowing Main felling Clearing pruning Thinning Transportation Ground preparation Opening and improving forestry production base roads, etc.
Building forestry roads/forest work roads Maintenance of forest roads Bird and animal damage prevention measures Woodworking Forest trading
Request flow
We will investigate the geological conditions (area, topography) and forest conditions (forest species, age, tree species, number of trees) of the forest you consulted with, and hear from the forest owner about the purpose of the mountain you want to use. , we will propose a summary of the forest conditions and an appropriate forest maintenance plan.

If you have any problems with the forests you own in Mie Prefecture, please feel free to contact Pruner Sora.
Feelings that also lead to gardens Forest work and the charm of the forest
Usage flow

Please contact us by phone or email first. We will tell you the details and decide the estimated date and time. Free local quote

We will ask for a quote and see the garden. After you are satisfied with the quotation and suggestions, we will schedule the work.

We will visit the garden on the working day. You don't need to worry about tea. We do not care or worry about our customers.
Correspondence area

Yokkaichi City, Mie Prefecture Suzuka City Inabe City Kuwana City
Kameyama City Tsu City Komono Town Tado Town Toin Town Asahi Town
(Outside the area covered by Tsu City)
Staff introduction
Make all customers smile through garden trees

Representative Ichiro Iijima Ichiro Iijima
Born in Ota-ku, Tokyo
Lives in Komono Town, Mie District, Mie Prefecture
Tokyo Metropolitan Omori High School part-time graduation
Study abroad in Brazil while attending school Live in a hotel along the Amazon River and experience the Great Amazon while working part-time
After returning to Japan, he worked at a Brazilian restaurant.
After that, I came to Mie at the invitation of a friend and moved to Mie without returning to my hometown.
Trained at a landscaping company in Mie Prefecture
Launched an independent pruner sky in February 2015
Yoshie Iijima The type to do when doing
Born in Toyohashi City, Aichi Prefecture
Graduated from Toyohashi Fashion College
Worked at a clothing-related company, from selling clothes to repairing clothes and managing manufacturing.
After separating the clothing work, he came to Iriomote Island, Okinawa Prefecture alone. While working as a cooking apprentice at a hotel for two years, spend time feeling the magnificent nature. He has a fateful encounter with his husband's partner.
Currently, I am having fun and struggling every day as an assistant at the pruner-Sora-.

Yoshie Iijima The type to do when doing
Born in Toyohashi City, Aichi Prefecture
Graduated from Toyohashi Fashion College
Worked at a clothing-related company, from selling clothes to repairing clothes and managing manufacturing.
After separating the clothing work, he came to Iriomote Island, Okinawa Prefecture alone. While working as a cooking apprentice at a hotel for two years, spend time feeling the magnificent nature. He has a fateful encounter with his husband's partner.
Currently, I am having fun and struggling every day as an assistant at the pruner-Sora-.

榊枝 正史 環境カウンセラー市民部門 環境教育部
大学生の頃から環境保全に興味を持ち全国各地の環境汚染の被害地や再生活動に取り組む団体を 訪問し学び、自身も四日市公害の影響を受けた鈴鹿川河口をフィールドに、自然再生活動に取り組みつつ、里山保全に取組むNPOの一員として、四日市市内の里山やビオトープの維持管理に従事。環境保全の知識を活かし、河川における自然観察会の企画、運営など環境学習活動にも取組む。

Tree camel ( Kirakuda) Everyone's tree education "Wood camel-I wish for the next generation that values nature. Camel that connects trees-" ←
About 300g to 630g "Kirakuda" belongs to the genus Solakuda, which has a bump on its back.
In Japan the original species, body color is white, the neck is long, longer limbs also thin.
Has two fingers, small hooves, but keratinized. The stiffened legs act as a non-slip, and are useful when climbing trees or climbing on the back. Water can be spent for several days without drinking even in a harsh environment, but the plants on the back are filled with night dew and so on, and people live by drinking it.

List of qualifications and training
■ License
Regular car license Medium-sized car license
■ Mie's charm transmission Mie cheering party
■ Mie Prefecture Global Warming Prevention Activity Promoter
■ Mie Forest Creation Forest Sensei Registration
■ Tree education instructor training course beginner's class attendance
■ Forest environment education leader training course knowledge edition attendance
■ Mie Forest and Forestry Academy 2nd gen
■ Skill training / special education
Completion of slinging skill training
Completion of small mobile crane operation skill training
Chainsaw (small-diameter wood) worker special education completed
Completed special education for workers such as logging
Completion of special education for small vehicle construction machinery operation
Completed high-altitude work driving skill training
Completed safety and health education for workers handling brush cutters
Foreman / safety and health manager education completed
Completion of occupational safety and health special education
Full harness type fall prevention equipment special education completed
■ Environmental rehabilitation doctor intermediate acquisition
■ Assistant Nature Regeneration
■ Obtained garden manager qualification
Completed ATI TK-1 Basic knowledge of tree ecology Basics of identification and classification
ATI BAT-1 Completed DRT Climbing Technology and Treework Basic Course
ATI BAT-2 completed Basics of light rigging work
■ Landscaping CPD registration
■ Training / Lecture
Aichi Ueki Center Lawn type and ecology / Lawn management attendance