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Make all customers smile through garden trees
Introducing Sowriter

広島県呉市在住 海が好きで、植物が好き、それ以上に食べることも大好きなのんびりものです。 猫と一緒に庭を眺めては、もの書きをしております。 前職は設計士。時々うんちくを語ります。


愛知県名古屋市在住 植物好きの両親のもとで育ち、マイホーム購入と同時に以前からやりたかったガーデニングを始めました。植物の生命力を感じる挿し芽、種まき、株分けなどが好きです。

自然や植物のいろんな魅力をお伝えできたらいいなと思っています。最近は、植えられているわけではない道端の草木にも興味が出てきました。 趣味は、銭湯・温泉めぐり、写真、旅行です。

趣味はクラシックバレエ、ピアノ、歌、写真、お花。カメラ片手に植物散歩が大好き。 日課はランニングで毎月200キロくらい走れるアクティブなアラサー。 大好きなうさぎのコロちゃんと夫と暮らしています。


Solite Bayberry Sakura
Lives in Kure City, Hiroshima Prefecture
I like the sea, I like plants, and I love eating more than that.
Looking at the garden with a cat, I am writing.
Previous job was a designer. Sometimes I talk about pranks.
Sowriter Nahokko
5th grade succulent plant. A writer who loves succulents and cacti. I would like to convey the charm of green, including succulents. As a laid-back person, I love playing with cats, playing with the garden, writing, and playing with cats. My hobbies are gardening, cooking, watching baseball games (Dragon's fans), visiting ramen shops with my family, and taking a nap.
Sowriter Komichi
Lives in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture
I grew up with my parents who love plants, and at the same time I bought my own home, I started gardening, which I had always wanted to do. I like cuttings, sowing seeds, and dividing plants to feel the vitality of plants.
My hobbies are handcrafting and going out with a camera.
Solite and hot
I would like to convey the various attractions of nature and plants. Recently, I've also become interested in roadside vegetation that isn't planted.
My hobbies are visiting public baths and hot springs, photography, and traveling.
Solite Imarina
My hobbies are classical ballet, piano, singing, photography, and flowers. I love walking around plants with my camera in my hand.
The daily routine is an active Arasa who can run about 200 kilometers every month.
I live with my favorite rabbit, Koro-chan, and my husband.
Solitaire Beginner mama with 3 years of experience in the vegetable garden
Growing food and herbs at will. My hobbies are gardening and DIY.
Solite ylang ylang
Ylang-ylang has a fascinating scent like a flower, but calms your mind ...
I don't hear much now, it's a family of eight. Four children live every day without worrying about the locality and loud voice. Psychological Counselor Good Luck Method Healing
By making the best use of these, I will be able to have a conversation with plants that feel life someday.
I am preparing my mind. However, every day is busy and full of power! !! It may also appear in the article. .. ..