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Attracting Children to Forests Forest Environmental Education 

Attracting Children to Forests Forest Environmental Education 

Forest environmental education focuses on the relationship between forests, people's lives, and the environment. In forest environmental education, students learn how forests affect climate change, what humans can do to enrich forests, and the relationship between the economy and nature. It also encourages the protection and care of forest resources by providing information on how forests can be used sustainably by humans while maintaining their ecological health.

What is Forest Environmental Education?

Forest environmental education is education that aims to deepen understanding and interest in the relationship between forests, people's lives, and the environment through a variety of hands-on activities in forests.

The goal of forest environmental education is to help individuals, groups, and communities find ways to live peacefully with nature, taking into account both the conservation needs for future generations and the human needs of the present.

Forest Environmental Education and the Relationship between Forests, People, and the Environment

Forest environmental education aims to help people understand and act on the relationship between forests, people's lives, and the environment. The concept of forest environmental education was born from four main factors.

The "forest and forestry problem," where Japan's forests have been devastated due to the stagnant forestry industry.

The growing interest of young people and adults alike in an environmentally conscious lifestyle.

Growing demand for vocational training to acquire practical skills (including forestry-related skills) needed in society.

Demand from educators for opportunities for children to learn directly about their community and society, such as volunteer activities and field trips to areas affected by natural disasters (e.g., flood control).

What will forest environmental education enable you to do?森林の価値と意義を理解する。

Review your own actions to prevent deforestation.

Improve forest environmental management.

Think about what you can do to help realize a recycling-oriented society.

Forest environmental education is more than just visiting a forest and experiencing firsthand its multifaceted functions. It is used to teach people about the importance of plants, animals, and other natural resources. Forest environmental education programs vary by region, but often include activities such as hiking, tree identification, and bird watching. Many schools offer outdoor classrooms where students can learn and explore nature in the outdoors.

Some local forests have developed options for students to study and work in forest ecosystems as part of their schooling. These opportunities are offered through summer camps and semester-long projects that provide students with hands-on experience learning how to identify tree species from leaves and other sources (also known as leaf litter). Students can also work with local botanists to educate themselves about the plants native to the area so that the people who live there have a better understanding of what should be protected within their community.

What kind of program is forest environmental education?

Forest environmental education is a program designed to deepen participants' understanding and interest in the relationship between forests and people's lives and the environment through a variety of hands-on activities in forests. Activities are tailored to the objectives and interests of each participant and focus on the history, culture, and resources of the forest. Through these activities, the program aims to help participants develop an appreciation for nature and actively participate in protecting Japan's unique forests.

What Forest Environmental Education Aims to Achieve

Understand the value and significance of the various functions of forests.

To deepen understanding and interest in the relationship between forests and people's lives and the environment.

Forest environmental education aims to help people understand and act on the relationship between forests and people's lives and the environment.

Forest Environmental Education aims to help people understand and act on the relationship between forests, people's lives, and the environment. Forest education programs provide students, teachers, and everyone else with the opportunity to learn about forests along with nature. 


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