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  • Writer's picture三重県剪定伐採お庭のお手入れ専門店 剪定屋空

Monozukuri" and "Monozukuri

As the head of the Woodworking Department, I have been thinking about "monozukuri" (manufacturing).

First of all, what is monozukuri? I will look into the following.

Monozukuri" and "Monozukuri

According to Wikipedia, the term "monozukuri" means "manufacturing." Since the 1980s, simple manufacturing tasks have been lost to China and other less developed countries, and the IT boom and zaitekku (financial technology) have become popular, leaving only a negative impression of the Japanese manufacturing industry, represented by 3K.

However, in the late 1990s, the Japanese manufacturing industry experienced a resurgence, led by the automobile industry, and this led to the recognition that Japanese manufacturing was not an intensive, simple labor industry, but a more advanced, highly spiritual technological activity. The current prosperity of the manufacturing industry in Japan is a result of the "monozukuri" concept.

The current prosperity of the Japanese manufacturing industry has its origins in traditional Japanese culture. The "monozukuri" expression is expressed in the Yamato dialect.

The history of the Japanese manufacturing industry can be seen in "monozukuri" expressed in the Yamato dialect.

I also found an article about the difference between "monozukuri" and "monozukuri.

At first glance, "mono" in hiragana and "mono" in katakana seem to refer to the same thing, but in fact there are cases where they are used differently in different manufacturing sites.

First, "monozukuri" in hiragana

In this case, "mono" refers to the "thing" itself to be produced, of which "product" used in human life is a typical example. For example, in the case of making a product called a clock, the hands are placed in the clock face according to a predetermined method of production, the clock is made to move properly, and the clock itself is created.

On the other hand, "monozukuri" using katakana

seems to have a broader meaning in some cases. In this case, "mono" does not only refer to the product itself, but also includes activities to infuse "added value" into the "thing (product)," such as thinking of new development methods and incorporating services to make the product better.

In a broad sense, "design concept (architecture)" is important, and it is important to think about what is suitable for the needs of this era, how to manufacture it, and how to distribute it in an integrated manner, and to plan well by properly grasping the flow of design concept transmitted from development, production, to customers. In this way, "monodzukuri" means "manufacturing" and "production.

If we assume that the concept is the idea or philosophy of the creator, then the "monozukuri" is to create the concept into a product.

The "concept" is born from a firm awareness of who and what the object is being made for.

As for the activities of the woodworking club, we would like to "create things" with a broad perspective.

Our current thoughts are to create "products" with the following in mind: to make people imagine trees, and to make them fall in love with nature, including both trees and living creatures.

Thoughts are individuality.

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